Final Seminar on February 14, 2024

The “Carbon Neutrality Empowered by Handprint – Final Seminar” was held on February 14, 2024 at VTT premises. The presentations are available here.

LUT Alumni Webinar

Unlocking Handprints. Wed, 06.03.2024 at 16:30 – 17:30 EET

Press releases 12.2.2024

A science-based guideline for companies to extend their climate work and indicate the environmental benefits of their circular economy solutions
In English  –  In Finnish

Podcast screen image


The concept of “handprint” assesses and communicates the positive impacts of a product or organization when it reduces the footprints of others, contrasting with the term “footprint” which refers only to negative impacts. Please find below a short animation, how companies should not only focus on reducing their own carbon footprint and investing in carbon offsetting, but on identifying the opportunities to create handprints too!

December 2023

Suomen Standardisoimisliitto SFS, Ympristöasioiden hallinta -työryhmä (Laura Lakanen)

November 2023

Lahden tiedepäivä 21.11.2023, ”Ympäristökädenjäljet kulutuksen hillinnän päästöjen tukena” (Laura Lakanen)

ExpandFibre Public Annual Seminar 2023, 23.11.2023 (Katri Behm)

October 2023

Muoviteollisuus Oy:n Lujitemuoviseminaari 12.-13.10.2023 Hyvinkäällä, ”Hiilikädenjälkilaskenta ja sen soveltaminen komposiittituotteisiin” (Laura Lakanen)

August 2023

Risto Soukka presented the handprint method and the project in ‘Hiilikädenjäljestä viennin työkalu’ working group coordinated by Business Finland

Laura Lakanen and Kaisa Grönman presented the handprint method and the project in ‘Ennakoi, älä reagoi – Tulevaisuuden kestävää liiketoimintaa’ event by LAB University of Applied Sciences (Lakanen & Grönman)

Risto Soukka and Kaisa Grönman presented the handprint method for the Zheijia University delegation (China) (collaborative partner of LUT in Sino-Finland project)

Summer 2023

ISO standardization: During the summer 2023, the project contributed to the ISO 14068 standardization work on carbon neutrality and ISO 59020 on circular economy in the commenting round.

June 2023

Kädenjälkiesittely Ekokompassille (Laura Lakanen)

May 2023

Laura Lakanen in Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC) carbon footprint and handprint working group. Esitys ELFIN Consulting -yritykselle (Laura Lakanen)

Risto Soukka and Kaisa Grönman presented the handprint method for the Finnish Climate Change Panel.

April 2023

Presentation in Mission Positive Handprint- project final seminar 19.4.2023 “Menestyvä yritys johtaa positiivisella kädenjäljellä” (Laura Lakanen)

March 2023

Laura Lakanen, Doctoral defence on 24.3.2023:
Developing handprints to enhance the environmental performance of other actors
Press release available at:

Project and handprint method presentations in 2022

Neste Veturi event (6.10.2022)

Beyond net zero – to grow your climate impact by maximizing your carbon handprint (21.9.2022)

Palta workshop: Palta ilmasto- ja vastuullisuustyöpaja (8.9.2022)

VTT Handprint Webinar (22.8.2022)

EGN meeting: EGN-yritysvastuuryhmä (20.1.2022)

FEC meeting: FEC Vähähiilisyys-ohjelma (19.1.2022)

Webinar organized by CEPI (18.1.2022)

Project and handprint method presentations in 2021

VTT Sustainability webinar: ’Vahva, vahvempi, vastuullinen – VTT:n kestävän ja vastuullisen liiketoiminnan webinaari’ (14.12.2021)

Press release 28.10.2021 (in English)

Finnish companies are developing a reliable way to indicate carbon neutrality and environmental benefits of circular economy solutions

Lehdistötiedote 19.10.2021 (in Finnish)

Suomalaisyritykset kehittävät luotettavaa tapaa osoittaa hiilineutraalius sekä kiertotalousratkaisujen ympäristöhyödyt (in Finnish)

Project started

The Carbon Neutrality Empowered by Handprint project was started on September, 2021 and the project will continue until August, 2023.